Activities for teachers
We are in a dynamic environment of ongoing change that requires firms and schools to adapt quickly to the challenges they face. Hence, IMAT aims to be a channel for the dissemination of good practices that favor the sharing of innovation experiences. Thus being a promoter of the change demanded by modern society.
Stories that Unite us

#historiasquenosunen is an initiative that acknowledges the teaching influence and aims to enrich classroom practices with the stories of other colleagues who have implemented innovative initiatives. It seeks to enter the classroom to discover what lies “in the backstage”, and to listen to experiences that serve as inspiration, motivation and mobilization.

Experiential workshops
Following the “learning by doing” methodology, participatory, co-creative workshops are proposed in which, after group work guided by an expert, proposals are launched from a specific area so that they can generate resources to be implemented in the centers and classrooms, promoting smarter schools.
Proposals of work areas:
IMAT opens its doors for schools to share and exchange innovative experiences, both at school and in the classroom, thus becoming a loudspeaker to generate a context conducive to the exchange of knowledge.